Name: Abdulaziz Rabeea M. Alnuaimi
Nationality: KSA
Country: KSA
Specialty Field: Occupational Safety
and Health
Membership Type: Certified Trainer A
Validity Until: 1/4/2021
الإسم: عبدالعزيز ربيع مبارك النعيمي
الجنسية: السعودية
البلد: السعودية
مجال التخصص: سلامة وصحة مهنية
نوع العضوية: مدرب معتمد A
إنتهاء العضوية: 1/4/2021
Choose from the large selection of latest pre-made blocks - full-screen intro, bootstrap carousel, content slider, responsive image gallery with lightbox, parallax scrolling, video backgrounds, hamburger menu, sticky header and more.
Sites made with Mobirise are 100% mobile-friendly according the latest Google Test and Google loves those websites (officially)!
Mobirise themes are based on Bootstrap 3 and Bootstrap 4 - most powerful mobile first framework. Now, even if you're not code-savvy, you can be a part of an exciting growing bootstrap community.
Choose from the large selection of latest pre-made blocks - full-screen intro, bootstrap carousel, content slider, responsive image gallery with lightbox, parallax scrolling, video backgrounds, hamburger menu, sticky header and more.
Name: Dr. Falah Dhuwahi Alswairi
Nationality: Kuwait
Country: Kuwait
Specialty Field: Management, Leadership,
Training and Human Resources Development
Membership Type: Certified Trainer A
Validity Until: 1/4/2021
الإسم: د. فلاح ضويحي السويري
الجنسية: الكويت
البلد: الكويت
مجال التخصص: الإدارة والقيادة والتدريب
وتنمية الموارد البشرية
نوع العضوية: مدرب معتمد A
إنتهاء العضوية: 1/4/2021
Choose from the large selection of latest pre-made blocks - full-screen intro, bootstrap carousel, content slider, responsive image gallery with lightbox, parallax scrolling, video backgrounds, hamburger menu, sticky header and more.
Sites made with Mobirise are 100% mobile-friendly according the latest Google Test and Google loves those websites (officially)!
Mobirise themes are based on Bootstrap 3 and Bootstrap 4 - most powerful mobile first framework. Now, even if you're not code-savvy, you can be a part of an exciting growing bootstrap community.
Choose from the large selection of latest pre-made blocks - full-screen intro, bootstrap carousel, content slider, responsive image gallery with lightbox, parallax scrolling, video backgrounds, hamburger menu, sticky header and more.
Name: Bashayer Manea A. Alajmi
Nationality: Kuwait
Country: Kuwait
Specialty Field: Human Development
Membership Type: Certified Trainer C
Validity Until: 1/4/2021
الإسم: بشاير مانع عبد الله العجمي
الجنسية: الكويت
البلد: الكويت
مجال التخصص: تنمية بشرية
نوع العضوية: مدرب معتمد C
إنتهاء العضوية: 1/4/2021
Choose from the large selection of latest pre-made blocks - full-screen intro, bootstrap carousel, content slider, responsive image gallery with lightbox, parallax scrolling, video backgrounds, hamburger menu, sticky header and more.
Sites made with Mobirise are 100% mobile-friendly according the latest Google Test and Google loves those websites (officially)!
Mobirise themes are based on Bootstrap 3 and Bootstrap 4 - most powerful mobile first framework. Now, even if you're not code-savvy, you can be a part of an exciting growing bootstrap community.
Choose from the large selection of latest pre-made blocks - full-screen intro, bootstrap carousel, content slider, responsive image gallery with lightbox, parallax scrolling, video backgrounds, hamburger menu, sticky header and more.
Name: Latifah Hussain Aljuraidan
Nationality: Kuwait
Country: Kuwait
Specialty Field: Human Development
Membership Type: Certified Trainer C
Validity Until: 1/4/2021
الإسم: لطيفة حسين خليل الجريدان
الجنسية: الكويت
البلد: الكويت
مجال التخصص: تنمية بشرية
نوع العضوية: مدرب معتمد C
إنتهاء العضوية: 1/4/2021
Choose from the large selection of latest pre-made blocks - full-screen intro, bootstrap carousel, content slider, responsive image gallery with lightbox, parallax scrolling, video backgrounds, hamburger menu, sticky header and more.
Sites made with Mobirise are 100% mobile-friendly according the latest Google Test and Google loves those websites (officially)!
Mobirise themes are based on Bootstrap 3 and Bootstrap 4 - most powerful mobile first framework. Now, even if you're not code-savvy, you can be a part of an exciting growing bootstrap community.
Choose from the large selection of latest pre-made blocks - full-screen intro, bootstrap carousel, content slider, responsive image gallery with lightbox, parallax scrolling, video backgrounds, hamburger menu, sticky header and more.
Name: Mariam Turki Hameed Alazmi
Nationality: Kuwait
Country: Kuwait
Specialty Field: Human Development
Membership Type: Certified Trainer C
Validity Until: 1/4/2021
الإسم: مريم تركي حميد العازمي
الجنسية: الكويت
البلد: الكويت
مجال التخصص: تنمية بشرية
نوع العضوية: مدرب معتمد C
إنتهاء العضوية: 1/4/2021
Choose from the large selection of latest pre-made blocks - full-screen intro, bootstrap carousel, content slider, responsive image gallery with lightbox, parallax scrolling, video backgrounds, hamburger menu, sticky header and more.
Sites made with Mobirise are 100% mobile-friendly according the latest Google Test and Google loves those websites (officially)!
Mobirise themes are based on Bootstrap 3 and Bootstrap 4 - most powerful mobile first framework. Now, even if you're not code-savvy, you can be a part of an exciting growing bootstrap community.
Choose from the large selection of latest pre-made blocks - full-screen intro, bootstrap carousel, content slider, responsive image gallery with lightbox, parallax scrolling, video backgrounds, hamburger menu, sticky header and more.
Name: Basayel Hussain Ali Bonashi
Nationality: Kuwait
Country: Kuwait
Specialty Field: Human Development
Membership Type: Certified Trainer C
Validity Until: 1/4/2021
الإسم: بسايل حسين علي بوناشي
الجنسية: الكويت
البلد: الكويت
مجال التخصص: تنمية بشرية
نوع العضوية: مدرب معتمد C
إنتهاء العضوية: 1/4/2021
Choose from the large selection of latest pre-made blocks - full-screen intro, bootstrap carousel, content slider, responsive image gallery with lightbox, parallax scrolling, video backgrounds, hamburger menu, sticky header and more.
Sites made with Mobirise are 100% mobile-friendly according the latest Google Test and Google loves those websites (officially)!
Mobirise themes are based on Bootstrap 3 and Bootstrap 4 - most powerful mobile first framework. Now, even if you're not code-savvy, you can be a part of an exciting growing bootstrap community.
Choose from the large selection of latest pre-made blocks - full-screen intro, bootstrap carousel, content slider, responsive image gallery with lightbox, parallax scrolling, video backgrounds, hamburger menu, sticky header and more.
Name: Falhaa Saud H. Alrasheedi
Nationality: KSA
Country: Kuwait
Specialty Field: Human Development
Membership Type: Certified Trainer C
Validity Until: 1/4/2021
الإسم: فلحاء سعود الرشيدي
الجنسية: االسعودية
البلد: الكويت
مجال التخصص: تنمية بشرية
نوع العضوية: مدرب معتمد C
إنتهاء العضوية: 1/4/2021
Choose from the large selection of latest pre-made blocks - full-screen intro, bootstrap carousel, content slider, responsive image gallery with lightbox, parallax scrolling, video backgrounds, hamburger menu, sticky header and more.
Sites made with Mobirise are 100% mobile-friendly according the latest Google Test and Google loves those websites (officially)!
Mobirise themes are based on Bootstrap 3 and Bootstrap 4 - most powerful mobile first framework. Now, even if you're not code-savvy, you can be a part of an exciting growing bootstrap community.
Choose from the large selection of latest pre-made blocks - full-screen intro, bootstrap carousel, content slider, responsive image gallery with lightbox, parallax scrolling, video backgrounds, hamburger menu, sticky header and more.
Name: Hind Saud Hamad Alhumaidi
Nationality: Kuwait
Country: Kuwait
Specialty Field: Human Development
Membership Type: Certified Trainer C
Validity Until: 1/4/2021
الإسم: هند سعود حمد الحميدي
الجنسية: الكويت
البلد: الكويت
مجال التخصص: تنمية بشرية
نوع العضوية: مدرب معتمد C
إنتهاء العضوية: 1/4/2021
Choose from the large selection of latest pre-made blocks - full-screen intro, bootstrap carousel, content slider, responsive image gallery with lightbox, parallax scrolling, video backgrounds, hamburger menu, sticky header and more.
Sites made with Mobirise are 100% mobile-friendly according the latest Google Test and Google loves those websites (officially)!
Mobirise themes are based on Bootstrap 3 and Bootstrap 4 - most powerful mobile first framework. Now, even if you're not code-savvy, you can be a part of an exciting growing bootstrap community.
Choose from the large selection of latest pre-made blocks - full-screen intro, bootstrap carousel, content slider, responsive image gallery with lightbox, parallax scrolling, video backgrounds, hamburger menu, sticky header and more.
Name: Nourah Rashed Al-Rabah
Nationality: Kuwait
Country: Kuwait
Specialty Field: Sports, Nutrition and
Multiple Sclerosis
Membership Type: Certified Trainer A
Validity Until: 1/4/2021
الإسم: نوره راشد الرباح
الجنسية: الكويت
البلد: الكويت
مجال التخصص: رياضة ، تغذية ومرض
التصلب العصبي المتعدد
نوع العضوية: مدرب معتمد A
إنتهاء العضوية: 1/4/2021
Choose from the large selection of latest pre-made blocks - full-screen intro, bootstrap carousel, content slider, responsive image gallery with lightbox, parallax scrolling, video backgrounds, hamburger menu, sticky header and more.
Sites made with Mobirise are 100% mobile-friendly according the latest Google Test and Google loves those websites (officially)!
Mobirise themes are based on Bootstrap 3 and Bootstrap 4 - most powerful mobile first framework. Now, even if you're not code-savvy, you can be a part of an exciting growing bootstrap community.
Choose from the large selection of latest pre-made blocks - full-screen intro, bootstrap carousel, content slider, responsive image gallery with lightbox, parallax scrolling, video backgrounds, hamburger menu, sticky header and more.
Name: Dr. Mazen Saleh Ferwana
Nationality: Palestine
Country: KSA
Specialty Field: Health
Membership Type: Certified Trainer A
Validity Until: 1/5/2021
الإسم: د. مازن صالح فروانه
الجنسية: فلسطين
البلد: السعودية
مجال التخصص: الصحة
نوع العضوية: مدرب معتمد A
إنتهاء العضوية: 1/5/2021
Choose from the large selection of latest pre-made blocks - full-screen intro, bootstrap carousel, content slider, responsive image gallery with lightbox, parallax scrolling, video backgrounds, hamburger menu, sticky header and more.
Sites made with Mobirise are 100% mobile-friendly according the latest Google Test and Google loves those websites (officially)!
Mobirise themes are based on Bootstrap 3 and Bootstrap 4 - most powerful mobile first framework. Now, even if you're not code-savvy, you can be a part of an exciting growing bootstrap community.
Choose from the large selection of latest pre-made blocks - full-screen intro, bootstrap carousel, content slider, responsive image gallery with lightbox, parallax scrolling, video backgrounds, hamburger menu, sticky header and more.
Name: Masaad Abdulrahman Alkhaldi
Nationality: Kuwait
Country: Kuwait
Specialty Field: Training in Education
Membership Type: Certified Trainer A
Validity Until: 1/8/2024
الإسم: مسعد عبدالرحمن الخالدي
الجنسية: الكويت
البلد: الكويت
مجال التخصص: التدريب في التعليم
نوع العضوية: مدرب معتمد A
إنتهاء العضوية: 1/8/2024
Choose from the large selection of latest pre-made blocks - full-screen intro, bootstrap carousel, content slider, responsive image gallery with lightbox, parallax scrolling, video backgrounds, hamburger menu, sticky header and more.
Sites made with Mobirise are 100% mobile-friendly according the latest Google Test and Google loves those websites (officially)!
Mobirise themes are based on Bootstrap 3 and Bootstrap 4 - most powerful mobile first framework. Now, even if you're not code-savvy, you can be a part of an exciting growing bootstrap community.
Choose from the large selection of latest pre-made blocks - full-screen intro, bootstrap carousel, content slider, responsive image gallery with lightbox, parallax scrolling, video backgrounds, hamburger menu, sticky header and more.
Name: Kefayat Center for Educational,
Administrative and Training Consultancy
Nationality: Kuwait
Country: Kuwait
Specialty Field: Education and Management Science
Membership Type: Certified Training Center
Owner: Masaad Abdulrahman Alkhaldi
Validity Until: 1/8/2024
الإسم: مركز كفايات للاستشارات التربوية والإدارية والتدريب
الجنسية: الكويت
البلد: الكويت
مجال التخصص: التربية والتعليم والعلوم الإدارية
نوع العضوية: مركز تدريب معتمد
صاحب المركز: مسعد عبدالرحمن الخالدي
إنتهاء العضوية: 1/8/2024
Choose from the large selection of latest pre-made blocks - full-screen intro, bootstrap carousel, content slider, responsive image gallery with lightbox, parallax scrolling, video backgrounds, hamburger menu, sticky header and more.
Sites made with Mobirise are 100% mobile-friendly according the latest Google Test and Google loves those websites (officially)!
Mobirise themes are based on Bootstrap 3 and Bootstrap 4 - most powerful mobile first framework. Now, even if you're not code-savvy, you can be a part of an exciting growing bootstrap community.
Choose from the large selection of latest pre-made blocks - full-screen intro, bootstrap carousel, content slider, responsive image gallery with lightbox, parallax scrolling, video backgrounds, hamburger menu, sticky header and more.
Name: Hamidah Sh. H. Alenezi
Nationality: Kuwait
Country: Kuwait
Specialty Field: Human Development
Membership Type: Certified Trainer C
Validity Until: 1/7/2021
الإسم: حميدة شهاب العنزي
الجنسية: الكويت
البلد: الكويت
مجال التخصص: تنمية بشرية
نوع العضوية: مدرب معتمد C
إنتهاء العضوية: 1/7/2021
Choose from the large selection of latest pre-made blocks - full-screen intro, bootstrap carousel, content slider, responsive image gallery with lightbox, parallax scrolling, video backgrounds, hamburger menu, sticky header and more.
Sites made with Mobirise are 100% mobile-friendly according the latest Google Test and Google loves those websites (officially)!
Mobirise themes are based on Bootstrap 3 and Bootstrap 4 - most powerful mobile first framework. Now, even if you're not code-savvy, you can be a part of an exciting growing bootstrap community.
Choose from the large selection of latest pre-made blocks - full-screen intro, bootstrap carousel, content slider, responsive image gallery with lightbox, parallax scrolling, video backgrounds, hamburger menu, sticky header and more.
Name: Asmaa B. O. Aldaihani
Nationality: Kuwait
Country: Kuwait
Specialty Field: Human Development
Membership Type: Certified Trainer C
Validity Until: 1/7/2021
الإسم: أسماء بدر الديحاني
الجنسية: الكويت
البلد: الكويت
مجال التخصص: تنمية بشرية
نوع العضوية: مدرب معتمد C
إنتهاء العضوية: 1/7/2021
Choose from the large selection of latest pre-made blocks - full-screen intro, bootstrap carousel, content slider, responsive image gallery with lightbox, parallax scrolling, video backgrounds, hamburger menu, sticky header and more.
Sites made with Mobirise are 100% mobile-friendly according the latest Google Test and Google loves those websites (officially)!
Mobirise themes are based on Bootstrap 3 and Bootstrap 4 - most powerful mobile first framework. Now, even if you're not code-savvy, you can be a part of an exciting growing bootstrap community.
Choose from the large selection of latest pre-made blocks - full-screen intro, bootstrap carousel, content slider, responsive image gallery with lightbox, parallax scrolling, video backgrounds, hamburger menu, sticky header and more.
Name: Amaney Ahmad Ghaleoun
Nationality: Syria
Country: Kuwait
Specialty Field: Self-Development
Membership Type: Certified Trainer C
Validity Until: 1/7/2021
الإسم: أماني أحمد غليون
الجنسية: سوريا
البلد: الكويت
مجال التخصص: تنمية ذاتية
نوع العضوية: مدرب معتمد C
إنتهاء العضوية: 1/7/2021
Choose from the large selection of latest pre-made blocks - full-screen intro, bootstrap carousel, content slider, responsive image gallery with lightbox, parallax scrolling, video backgrounds, hamburger menu, sticky header and more.
Sites made with Mobirise are 100% mobile-friendly according the latest Google Test and Google loves those websites (officially)!
Mobirise themes are based on Bootstrap 3 and Bootstrap 4 - most powerful mobile first framework. Now, even if you're not code-savvy, you can be a part of an exciting growing bootstrap community.
Choose from the large selection of latest pre-made blocks - full-screen intro, bootstrap carousel, content slider, responsive image gallery with lightbox, parallax scrolling, video backgrounds, hamburger menu, sticky header and more.
Name: Eman Ahmad Alamleh
Nationality: Jordan
Country: Kuwait
Specialty Field: Management
and administrative systems
Membership Type: Certified Trainer C
Validity Until: 1/7/2021
الإسم: إيمان أحمد العملة
الجنسية: الأردن
البلد: الكويت
مجال التخصص: تنمية بشرية
نوع العضوية: مدرب معتمد C
إنتهاء العضوية: 1/7/2021
Choose from the large selection of latest pre-made blocks - full-screen intro, bootstrap carousel, content slider, responsive image gallery with lightbox, parallax scrolling, video backgrounds, hamburger menu, sticky header and more.
Sites made with Mobirise are 100% mobile-friendly according the latest Google Test and Google loves those websites (officially)!
Mobirise themes are based on Bootstrap 3 and Bootstrap 4 - most powerful mobile first framework. Now, even if you're not code-savvy, you can be a part of an exciting growing bootstrap community.
Choose from the large selection of latest pre-made blocks - full-screen intro, bootstrap carousel, content slider, responsive image gallery with lightbox, parallax scrolling, video backgrounds, hamburger menu, sticky header and more.
Name: Eman Salah Albousairi
Nationality: Kuwait
Country: Kuwait
Specialty Field: Human Development
Membership Type: Certified Trainer C
Validity Until: 1/7/2021
الإسم: إيمان صلاح البصيري
الجنسية: الكويت
البلد: الكويت
مجال التخصص: تنمية بشرية
نوع العضوية: مدرب معتمد C
إنتهاء العضوية: 1/7/2021
Choose from the large selection of latest pre-made blocks - full-screen intro, bootstrap carousel, content slider, responsive image gallery with lightbox, parallax scrolling, video backgrounds, hamburger menu, sticky header and more.
Sites made with Mobirise are 100% mobile-friendly according the latest Google Test and Google loves those websites (officially)!
Mobirise themes are based on Bootstrap 3 and Bootstrap 4 - most powerful mobile first framework. Now, even if you're not code-savvy, you can be a part of an exciting growing bootstrap community.
Choose from the large selection of latest pre-made blocks - full-screen intro, bootstrap carousel, content slider, responsive image gallery with lightbox, parallax scrolling, video backgrounds, hamburger menu, sticky header and more.
Name: Zahraa Jassim Almusaileekh
Nationality: Kuwait
Country: Kuwait
Specialty Field: Human Development
Membership Type: Certified Trainer C
Validity Until: 1/7/2021
الإسم: زهراء جاسم المصيليخ
الجنسية: الكويت
البلد: الكويت
مجال التخصص: تنمية بشرية
نوع العضوية: مدرب معتمد C
إنتهاء العضوية: 1/7/2021
Choose from the large selection of latest pre-made blocks - full-screen intro, bootstrap carousel, content slider, responsive image gallery with lightbox, parallax scrolling, video backgrounds, hamburger menu, sticky header and more.
Sites made with Mobirise are 100% mobile-friendly according the latest Google Test and Google loves those websites (officially)!
Mobirise themes are based on Bootstrap 3 and Bootstrap 4 - most powerful mobile first framework. Now, even if you're not code-savvy, you can be a part of an exciting growing bootstrap community.
Choose from the large selection of latest pre-made blocks - full-screen intro, bootstrap carousel, content slider, responsive image gallery with lightbox, parallax scrolling, video backgrounds, hamburger menu, sticky header and more.
Name: Sameerah Masoud Almasoud
Nationality: Kuwait
Country: Kuwait
Specialty Field: Human Development
Membership Type: Certified Trainer C
Validity Until: 1/7/2021
الإسم: سميره مسعود المسعود
الجنسية: الكويت
البلد: الكويت
مجال التخصص: تنمية بشرية
نوع العضوية: مدرب معتمد C
إنتهاء العضوية: 1/7/2021
Choose from the large selection of latest pre-made blocks - full-screen intro, bootstrap carousel, content slider, responsive image gallery with lightbox, parallax scrolling, video backgrounds, hamburger menu, sticky header and more.
Sites made with Mobirise are 100% mobile-friendly according the latest Google Test and Google loves those websites (officially)!
Mobirise themes are based on Bootstrap 3 and Bootstrap 4 - most powerful mobile first framework. Now, even if you're not code-savvy, you can be a part of an exciting growing bootstrap community.
Choose from the large selection of latest pre-made blocks - full-screen intro, bootstrap carousel, content slider, responsive image gallery with lightbox, parallax scrolling, video backgrounds, hamburger menu, sticky header and more.
Name: Fatima Ahmad Hadrab
Nationality: Jordan
Country: Kuwait
Specialty Field: Educational Consulting
Membership Type: Certified Trainer C
Validity Until: 1/7/2021
الإسم: فاطمة احمد حمدان حدرب
الجنسية: الأردن
البلد: الكويت
مجال التخصص: استشارات تربوية
نوع العضوية: مدرب معتمد C
إنتهاء العضوية: 1/7/2021
Choose from the large selection of latest pre-made blocks - full-screen intro, bootstrap carousel, content slider, responsive image gallery with lightbox, parallax scrolling, video backgrounds, hamburger menu, sticky header and more.
Sites made with Mobirise are 100% mobile-friendly according the latest Google Test and Google loves those websites (officially)!
Mobirise themes are based on Bootstrap 3 and Bootstrap 4 - most powerful mobile first framework. Now, even if you're not code-savvy, you can be a part of an exciting growing bootstrap community.
Choose from the large selection of latest pre-made blocks - full-screen intro, bootstrap carousel, content slider, responsive image gallery with lightbox, parallax scrolling, video backgrounds, hamburger menu, sticky header and more.
Name: Mariam M. Alazmi
Nationality: Kuwait
Country: Kuwait
Specialty Field: Human Development
Membership Type: Certified Trainer C
Validity Until: 1/7/2021
الإسم: مريم محمد العازمي
الجنسية: الكويت
البلد: الكويت
مجال التخصص: تنمية بشرية
نوع العضوية: مدرب معتمد C
إنتهاء العضوية: 1/7/2021
Choose from the large selection of latest pre-made blocks - full-screen intro, bootstrap carousel, content slider, responsive image gallery with lightbox, parallax scrolling, video backgrounds, hamburger menu, sticky header and more.
Sites made with Mobirise are 100% mobile-friendly according the latest Google Test and Google loves those websites (officially)!
Mobirise themes are based on Bootstrap 3 and Bootstrap 4 - most powerful mobile first framework. Now, even if you're not code-savvy, you can be a part of an exciting growing bootstrap community.
Choose from the large selection of latest pre-made blocks - full-screen intro, bootstrap carousel, content slider, responsive image gallery with lightbox, parallax scrolling, video backgrounds, hamburger menu, sticky header and more.
إن كنت فرداً أو مركزاً للتدريب ، إختر طلب العضوية المناسب وإبدأ مستقبلك الجديد