Members of the Board

أعضــاء البورد
2021 - P2

سنة العضوية

2012  |  2013  |  2014  |  2015  |  2016  |  2017  |  2018  |  2019  |  2020  |  2021  |  2022  |  2023  |  2024

Name: Taghreed Abed Alfattah Saleh
Nationality: Jordan
Country: Kuwait
Specialty Field: Training of Trainers
Membership Type: Certified Trainer A
Validity Until: 1/5/2022

الإسم: تغريد عبد الفتاح عرابي محمد صالح
الجنسية: الأردن
البلد: الكويت
مجال التخصص: تدريب مدربين
نوع العضوية: مدرب معتمد A
إنتهاء العضوية: 1/5/2022

Choose from the large selection of latest pre-made blocks - full-screen intro, bootstrap carousel, content slider, responsive image gallery with lightbox, parallax scrolling, video backgrounds, hamburger menu, sticky header and more.

Sites made with Mobirise are 100% mobile-friendly according the latest Google Test and Google loves those websites (officially)!

Mobirise themes are based on Bootstrap 3 and Bootstrap 4 - most powerful mobile first framework. Now, even if you're not code-savvy, you can be a part of an exciting growing bootstrap community.

Choose from the large selection of latest pre-made blocks - full-screen intro, bootstrap carousel, content slider, responsive image gallery with lightbox, parallax scrolling, video backgrounds, hamburger menu, sticky header and more.

Name: Dalya A. Alhuwail
Nationality: Kuwait
Country: Kuwait
Specialty Field: Human Development
Membership Type: Certified Trainer B
Validity Until: 1/5/2022

الإسم: داليا علي الحويل
الجنسية: الكويت
البلد: الكويت
مجال التخصص: تنمية بشرية
نوع العضوية: مدرب معتمد B
إنتهاء العضوية: 1/5/2022

Choose from the large selection of latest pre-made blocks - full-screen intro, bootstrap carousel, content slider, responsive image gallery with lightbox, parallax scrolling, video backgrounds, hamburger menu, sticky header and more.

Sites made with Mobirise are 100% mobile-friendly according the latest Google Test and Google loves those websites (officially)!

Mobirise themes are based on Bootstrap 3 and Bootstrap 4 - most powerful mobile first framework. Now, even if you're not code-savvy, you can be a part of an exciting growing bootstrap community.

Choose from the large selection of latest pre-made blocks - full-screen intro, bootstrap carousel, content slider, responsive image gallery with lightbox, parallax scrolling, video backgrounds, hamburger menu, sticky header and more.

Name: Rana Ghazi Ibrahim Alkafry
Nationality: Kuwait
Country: Kuwait
Specialty Field: Training of Trainers
Membership Type: Certified Trainer B
Validity Until: 1/5/2022

الإسم: رنا غازي ابراهيم الكفري
الجنسية: الكويت
البلد: الكويت
مجال التخصص: تدريب مدربين
نوع العضوية: مدرب معتمد B
إنتهاء العضوية: 1/5/2022

Choose from the large selection of latest pre-made blocks - full-screen intro, bootstrap carousel, content slider, responsive image gallery with lightbox, parallax scrolling, video backgrounds, hamburger menu, sticky header and more.

Sites made with Mobirise are 100% mobile-friendly according the latest Google Test and Google loves those websites (officially)!

Mobirise themes are based on Bootstrap 3 and Bootstrap 4 - most powerful mobile first framework. Now, even if you're not code-savvy, you can be a part of an exciting growing bootstrap community.

Choose from the large selection of latest pre-made blocks - full-screen intro, bootstrap carousel, content slider, responsive image gallery with lightbox, parallax scrolling, video backgrounds, hamburger menu, sticky header and more.

Name: Maryam M. S. S. Almarri
Nationality: Kuwait
Country: Kuwait
Specialty Field: Training of Trainers
Membership Type: Certified Trainer B
Validity Until: 1/5/2022

الإسم: مريم محمد سالم المري
الجنسية: الكويت
البلد: الكويت
مجال التخصص: تدريب مدربين
نوع العضوية: مدرب معتمد B
إنتهاء العضوية: 1/5/2022

Choose from the large selection of latest pre-made blocks - full-screen intro, bootstrap carousel, content slider, responsive image gallery with lightbox, parallax scrolling, video backgrounds, hamburger menu, sticky header and more.

Sites made with Mobirise are 100% mobile-friendly according the latest Google Test and Google loves those websites (officially)!

Mobirise themes are based on Bootstrap 3 and Bootstrap 4 - most powerful mobile first framework. Now, even if you're not code-savvy, you can be a part of an exciting growing bootstrap community.

Choose from the large selection of latest pre-made blocks - full-screen intro, bootstrap carousel, content slider, responsive image gallery with lightbox, parallax scrolling, video backgrounds, hamburger menu, sticky header and more.

Name: Maha Mohammad Almutairi
Nationality: KSA
Country: Kuwait
Specialty Field: Training of Trainers
Membership Type: Certified Trainer B
Validity Until: 1/5/2022

الإسم: مها محمد عائض المطيري
الجنسية: السعودية
البلد: الكويت
مجال التخصص: تدريب مدربين
نوع العضوية: مدرب معتمد B
إنتهاء العضوية: 1/5/2022

Choose from the large selection of latest pre-made blocks - full-screen intro, bootstrap carousel, content slider, responsive image gallery with lightbox, parallax scrolling, video backgrounds, hamburger menu, sticky header and more.

Sites made with Mobirise are 100% mobile-friendly according the latest Google Test and Google loves those websites (officially)!

Mobirise themes are based on Bootstrap 3 and Bootstrap 4 - most powerful mobile first framework. Now, even if you're not code-savvy, you can be a part of an exciting growing bootstrap community.

Choose from the large selection of latest pre-made blocks - full-screen intro, bootstrap carousel, content slider, responsive image gallery with lightbox, parallax scrolling, video backgrounds, hamburger menu, sticky header and more.

Name: Dr. Aisha Salman Althani
Nationality: Qatar
Country: Qatar
Specialty Field: Psychological Guidance
Membership Type: Certified International Trainer
Validity Until: 1/5/2022

الإسم: د. عائشة سلمان آل ثاني
الجنسية: قطر
البلد: قطر
مجال التخصص: الإرشاد النفسي
نوع العضوية: مدرب دولي معتمد
إنتهاء العضوية: 1/5/2022

Choose from the large selection of latest pre-made blocks - full-screen intro, bootstrap carousel, content slider, responsive image gallery with lightbox, parallax scrolling, video backgrounds, hamburger menu, sticky header and more.

Sites made with Mobirise are 100% mobile-friendly according the latest Google Test and Google loves those websites (officially)!

Mobirise themes are based on Bootstrap 3 and Bootstrap 4 - most powerful mobile first framework. Now, even if you're not code-savvy, you can be a part of an exciting growing bootstrap community.

Choose from the large selection of latest pre-made blocks - full-screen intro, bootstrap carousel, content slider, responsive image gallery with lightbox, parallax scrolling, video backgrounds, hamburger menu, sticky header and more.

Name: Asmaa N. S. Z. Alenezi
Nationality: Kuwait
Country: Kuwait
Specialty Field: Hunam Development
and Self-Development
Membership Type: Certified Trainer C
Validity Until: 1/6/2022

الإسم: أسماء نواف العنزي
الجنسية: الكويت
البلد: الكويت
مجال التخصص: تنمية بشرية وتطوير الذات
نوع العضوية: مدرب معتمد C
إنتهاء العضوية: 1/6/2022

Choose from the large selection of latest pre-made blocks - full-screen intro, bootstrap carousel, content slider, responsive image gallery with lightbox, parallax scrolling, video backgrounds, hamburger menu, sticky header and more.

Sites made with Mobirise are 100% mobile-friendly according the latest Google Test and Google loves those websites (officially)!

Mobirise themes are based on Bootstrap 3 and Bootstrap 4 - most powerful mobile first framework. Now, even if you're not code-savvy, you can be a part of an exciting growing bootstrap community.

Choose from the large selection of latest pre-made blocks - full-screen intro, bootstrap carousel, content slider, responsive image gallery with lightbox, parallax scrolling, video backgrounds, hamburger menu, sticky header and more.

Name: Hesah S. A. Gh. Alharbi
Nationality: Kuwait
Country: Kuwait
Specialty Field: Human Development
Membership Type: Certified Trainer C
Validity Until: 1/6/2022

الإسم: حصه سعود علي الحربي
الجنسية: الكويت
البلد: الكويت
مجال التخصص: تنمية بشرية
نوع العضوية: مدرب معتمد C
إنتهاء العضوية: 1/6/2022

Choose from the large selection of latest pre-made blocks - full-screen intro, bootstrap carousel, content slider, responsive image gallery with lightbox, parallax scrolling, video backgrounds, hamburger menu, sticky header and more.

Sites made with Mobirise are 100% mobile-friendly according the latest Google Test and Google loves those websites (officially)!

Mobirise themes are based on Bootstrap 3 and Bootstrap 4 - most powerful mobile first framework. Now, even if you're not code-savvy, you can be a part of an exciting growing bootstrap community.

Choose from the large selection of latest pre-made blocks - full-screen intro, bootstrap carousel, content slider, responsive image gallery with lightbox, parallax scrolling, video backgrounds, hamburger menu, sticky header and more.

Name: Nawal Y. R. Alkhabbaz
Nationality: Kuwait
Country: Kuwait
Specialty Field: Educational Skills
Membership Type: Certified Trainer C
Validity Until: 1/6/2022

الإسم: نوال يوسف رمضان الخباز
الجنسية: الكويت
البلد: الكويت
مجال التخصص: مهارات التربية والتعليم
نوع العضوية: مدرب معتمد C
إنتهاء العضوية: 1/6/2022

Choose from the large selection of latest pre-made blocks - full-screen intro, bootstrap carousel, content slider, responsive image gallery with lightbox, parallax scrolling, video backgrounds, hamburger menu, sticky header and more.

Sites made with Mobirise are 100% mobile-friendly according the latest Google Test and Google loves those websites (officially)!

Mobirise themes are based on Bootstrap 3 and Bootstrap 4 - most powerful mobile first framework. Now, even if you're not code-savvy, you can be a part of an exciting growing bootstrap community.

Choose from the large selection of latest pre-made blocks - full-screen intro, bootstrap carousel, content slider, responsive image gallery with lightbox, parallax scrolling, video backgrounds, hamburger menu, sticky header and more.

Name: Hebah M. A. H. Meshari
Nationality: Kuwait
Country: Kuwait
Specialty Field: Human Resource
and Development
Membership Type: Certified Trainer C
Validity Until: 1/6/2022

الإسم: هبه محمد علي مشاري
الجنسية: الكويت
البلد: الكويت
مجال التخصص: تنمية بشرية
نوع العضوية: مدرب معتمد C
إنتهاء العضوية: 1/6/2022

Choose from the large selection of latest pre-made blocks - full-screen intro, bootstrap carousel, content slider, responsive image gallery with lightbox, parallax scrolling, video backgrounds, hamburger menu, sticky header and more.

Sites made with Mobirise are 100% mobile-friendly according the latest Google Test and Google loves those websites (officially)!

Mobirise themes are based on Bootstrap 3 and Bootstrap 4 - most powerful mobile first framework. Now, even if you're not code-savvy, you can be a part of an exciting growing bootstrap community.

Choose from the large selection of latest pre-made blocks - full-screen intro, bootstrap carousel, content slider, responsive image gallery with lightbox, parallax scrolling, video backgrounds, hamburger menu, sticky header and more.

Name: Tareq A. S. A. Habashi
Nationality: Kuwait
Country: Kuwait
Specialty Field: Law
Membership Type: Certified Trainer C
Validity Until: 1/6/2022

الإسم: طارق عدنان سعيد حبشي
الجنسية: الكويت
البلد: الكويت
مجال التخصص: القانون
نوع العضوية: مدرب معتمد C
إنتهاء العضوية: 1/6/2022

Choose from the large selection of latest pre-made blocks - full-screen intro, bootstrap carousel, content slider, responsive image gallery with lightbox, parallax scrolling, video backgrounds, hamburger menu, sticky header and more.

Sites made with Mobirise are 100% mobile-friendly according the latest Google Test and Google loves those websites (officially)!

Mobirise themes are based on Bootstrap 3 and Bootstrap 4 - most powerful mobile first framework. Now, even if you're not code-savvy, you can be a part of an exciting growing bootstrap community.

Choose from the large selection of latest pre-made blocks - full-screen intro, bootstrap carousel, content slider, responsive image gallery with lightbox, parallax scrolling, video backgrounds, hamburger menu, sticky header and more.

Name: Fahad A.  Aman
Nationality: Kuwait
Country: Kuwait
Specialty Field: Biomedical Science
Membership Type: Certified Trainer C
Validity Until: 1/6/2022

الإسم: فهد عبدالرحمن أمان
الجنسية: الكويت
البلد: الكويت
مجال التخصص: علوم الطب الحيوي
نوع العضوية: مدرب معتمد C
إنتهاء العضوية: 1/6/2022

Choose from the large selection of latest pre-made blocks - full-screen intro, bootstrap carousel, content slider, responsive image gallery with lightbox, parallax scrolling, video backgrounds, hamburger menu, sticky header and more.

Sites made with Mobirise are 100% mobile-friendly according the latest Google Test and Google loves those websites (officially)!

Mobirise themes are based on Bootstrap 3 and Bootstrap 4 - most powerful mobile first framework. Now, even if you're not code-savvy, you can be a part of an exciting growing bootstrap community.

Choose from the large selection of latest pre-made blocks - full-screen intro, bootstrap carousel, content slider, responsive image gallery with lightbox, parallax scrolling, video backgrounds, hamburger menu, sticky header and more.

Name: Dr. Eng. Mohammad Sh. R. Alshammari
Nationality: Kuwait
Country: Kuwait
Specialty Field: Computer, Electronics
and Security Systems
Membership Type: Certified International Trainer
Validity Until: 1/6/2022

الإسم: د. م. محمد شرهان الشمري
الجنسية: الكويت
البلد: الكويت
مجال التخصص: كمبيوتر ، ألكترونيات وأنظمة أمنية
نوع العضوية: مدرب دولي معتمد
إنتهاء العضوية: 1/6/2022

Choose from the large selection of latest pre-made blocks - full-screen intro, bootstrap carousel, content slider, responsive image gallery with lightbox, parallax scrolling, video backgrounds, hamburger menu, sticky header and more.

Sites made with Mobirise are 100% mobile-friendly according the latest Google Test and Google loves those websites (officially)!

Mobirise themes are based on Bootstrap 3 and Bootstrap 4 - most powerful mobile first framework. Now, even if you're not code-savvy, you can be a part of an exciting growing bootstrap community.

Choose from the large selection of latest pre-made blocks - full-screen intro, bootstrap carousel, content slider, responsive image gallery with lightbox, parallax scrolling, video backgrounds, hamburger menu, sticky header and more.

Name: Fawaz Tareq Abdullah Alobaid
Nationality: KSA
Country: Kuwait
Specialty Field: Human Development
Membership Type: Certified Trainer C
Validity Until: 1/6/2022

الإسم: فواز طارق عبد الله العبيد
الجنسية: السعودية
البلد: الكويت
مجال التخصص: تنمية بشرية
نوع العضوية: مدرب معتمد C
إنتهاء العضوية: 1/6/2022

Choose from the large selection of latest pre-made blocks - full-screen intro, bootstrap carousel, content slider, responsive image gallery with lightbox, parallax scrolling, video backgrounds, hamburger menu, sticky header and more.

Sites made with Mobirise are 100% mobile-friendly according the latest Google Test and Google loves those websites (officially)!

Mobirise themes are based on Bootstrap 3 and Bootstrap 4 - most powerful mobile first framework. Now, even if you're not code-savvy, you can be a part of an exciting growing bootstrap community.

Choose from the large selection of latest pre-made blocks - full-screen intro, bootstrap carousel, content slider, responsive image gallery with lightbox, parallax scrolling, video backgrounds, hamburger menu, sticky header and more.

Name: Sarah Ayed Alotaibi
Nationality: Kuwait
Country: Kuwait
Specialty Field: Human Development
Membership Type: Certified Trainer C
Validity Until: 1/6/2022

الإسم: ساره عايد العتيبي
الجنسية: الكويت
البلد: الكويت
مجال التخصص: تنمية بشرية
نوع العضوية: مدرب معتمد C
إنتهاء العضوية: 1/6/2022

Choose from the large selection of latest pre-made blocks - full-screen intro, bootstrap carousel, content slider, responsive image gallery with lightbox, parallax scrolling, video backgrounds, hamburger menu, sticky header and more.

Sites made with Mobirise are 100% mobile-friendly according the latest Google Test and Google loves those websites (officially)!

Mobirise themes are based on Bootstrap 3 and Bootstrap 4 - most powerful mobile first framework. Now, even if you're not code-savvy, you can be a part of an exciting growing bootstrap community.

Choose from the large selection of latest pre-made blocks - full-screen intro, bootstrap carousel, content slider, responsive image gallery with lightbox, parallax scrolling, video backgrounds, hamburger menu, sticky header and more.

Name: Nourah Tani Aldosari
Nationality: Kuwait
Country: Kuwait
Specialty Field: Human Development
Membership Type: Certified Trainer C
Validity Until: 1/6/2022

الإسم: نوره تني الدوسري
الجنسية: الكويت
البلد: الكويت
مجال التخصص: تنمية بشرية
نوع العضوية: مدرب معتمد C
إنتهاء العضوية: 1/6/2022

Choose from the large selection of latest pre-made blocks - full-screen intro, bootstrap carousel, content slider, responsive image gallery with lightbox, parallax scrolling, video backgrounds, hamburger menu, sticky header and more.

Sites made with Mobirise are 100% mobile-friendly according the latest Google Test and Google loves those websites (officially)!

Mobirise themes are based on Bootstrap 3 and Bootstrap 4 - most powerful mobile first framework. Now, even if you're not code-savvy, you can be a part of an exciting growing bootstrap community.

Choose from the large selection of latest pre-made blocks - full-screen intro, bootstrap carousel, content slider, responsive image gallery with lightbox, parallax scrolling, video backgrounds, hamburger menu, sticky header and more.

Name: Albaraa Nasser Almuzini
Nationality: KSA
Country: KSA
Specialty Field: English Language
Membership Type: Certified International Trainer
Validity Until: 1/6/2022

الإسم: البراء ناصر المزيني
الجنسية: السعودية
البلد: السعودية
مجال التخصص: لغة انجليزية
نوع العضوية: مدرب دولي معتمد
إنتهاء العضوية: 1/6/2022

Choose from the large selection of latest pre-made blocks - full-screen intro, bootstrap carousel, content slider, responsive image gallery with lightbox, parallax scrolling, video backgrounds, hamburger menu, sticky header and more.

Sites made with Mobirise are 100% mobile-friendly according the latest Google Test and Google loves those websites (officially)!

Mobirise themes are based on Bootstrap 3 and Bootstrap 4 - most powerful mobile first framework. Now, even if you're not code-savvy, you can be a part of an exciting growing bootstrap community.

Choose from the large selection of latest pre-made blocks - full-screen intro, bootstrap carousel, content slider, responsive image gallery with lightbox, parallax scrolling, video backgrounds, hamburger menu, sticky header and more.

Name: Budour F. S. F. Matbaqi
Nationality: Kuwait
Country: Kuwait
Specialty Field: Manufacture of Soap & Cosmetics
Membership Type: Certified Trainer C
Validity Until: 1/6/2022

الإسم: بدور فرج سالم مطبقي
الجنسية: الكويت
البلد: الكويت
مجال التخصص: صناعة الصابون ومستلزمات التجميل
نوع العضوية: مدرب معتمد C
إنتهاء العضوية: 1/6/2022

Choose from the large selection of latest pre-made blocks - full-screen intro, bootstrap carousel, content slider, responsive image gallery with lightbox, parallax scrolling, video backgrounds, hamburger menu, sticky header and more.

Sites made with Mobirise are 100% mobile-friendly according the latest Google Test and Google loves those websites (officially)!

Mobirise themes are based on Bootstrap 3 and Bootstrap 4 - most powerful mobile first framework. Now, even if you're not code-savvy, you can be a part of an exciting growing bootstrap community.

Choose from the large selection of latest pre-made blocks - full-screen intro, bootstrap carousel, content slider, responsive image gallery with lightbox, parallax scrolling, video backgrounds, hamburger menu, sticky header and more.

Name: Latefa Rashed Al-Farhan
Nationality: Kuwait
Country: Kuwait
Specialty Field: Law
Membership Type: Certified Trainer A
Validity Until: 1/6/2022

الإسم: لطيفة راشد الفرحان
الجنسية: الكويت
البلد: الكويت
مجال التخصص: القانون
نوع العضوية: مدرب معتمد A
إنتهاء العضوية: 1/6/2022

Choose from the large selection of latest pre-made blocks - full-screen intro, bootstrap carousel, content slider, responsive image gallery with lightbox, parallax scrolling, video backgrounds, hamburger menu, sticky header and more.

Sites made with Mobirise are 100% mobile-friendly according the latest Google Test and Google loves those websites (officially)!

Mobirise themes are based on Bootstrap 3 and Bootstrap 4 - most powerful mobile first framework. Now, even if you're not code-savvy, you can be a part of an exciting growing bootstrap community.

Choose from the large selection of latest pre-made blocks - full-screen intro, bootstrap carousel, content slider, responsive image gallery with lightbox, parallax scrolling, video backgrounds, hamburger menu, sticky header and more.

Name: Hasan N. H. A. Alqaoud
Nationality: Kuwait
Country: Kuwait
Specialty Field: Human Development
Membership Type: Certified Trainer C
Validity Until: 1/6/2022

الإسم: حسن ناصر حسن القعود
الجنسية: الكويت
البلد: الكويت
مجال التخصص: تنمية بشرية
نوع العضوية: مدرب معتمد C
إنتهاء العضوية: 1/6/2022

Choose from the large selection of latest pre-made blocks - full-screen intro, bootstrap carousel, content slider, responsive image gallery with lightbox, parallax scrolling, video backgrounds, hamburger menu, sticky header and more.

Sites made with Mobirise are 100% mobile-friendly according the latest Google Test and Google loves those websites (officially)!

Mobirise themes are based on Bootstrap 3 and Bootstrap 4 - most powerful mobile first framework. Now, even if you're not code-savvy, you can be a part of an exciting growing bootstrap community.

Choose from the large selection of latest pre-made blocks - full-screen intro, bootstrap carousel, content slider, responsive image gallery with lightbox, parallax scrolling, video backgrounds, hamburger menu, sticky header and more.

Name: Ahmad Mohammad A. Almulla
Nationality: Kuwait
Country: Kuwait
Specialty Field: Mechanical Engineering
Membership Type: Certified Trainer C
Validity Until: 1/8/2023

الإسم: أحمد محمد أحمد الملا
الجنسية: الكويت
البلد: الكويت
مجال التخصص: هندسة ميكانيك
نوع العضوية: مدرب معتمد C
إنتهاء العضوية: 1/8/2023

Choose from the large selection of latest pre-made blocks - full-screen intro, bootstrap carousel, content slider, responsive image gallery with lightbox, parallax scrolling, video backgrounds, hamburger menu, sticky header and more.

Sites made with Mobirise are 100% mobile-friendly according the latest Google Test and Google loves those websites (officially)!

Mobirise themes are based on Bootstrap 3 and Bootstrap 4 - most powerful mobile first framework. Now, even if you're not code-savvy, you can be a part of an exciting growing bootstrap community.

Choose from the large selection of latest pre-made blocks - full-screen intro, bootstrap carousel, content slider, responsive image gallery with lightbox, parallax scrolling, video backgrounds, hamburger menu, sticky header and more.

Contact Our Members

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