This service allows registering the names of trainers working with the training center.
They are registered for the purpose of adding their names to the training certificates requested by the center as trainers for the courses in which the certificates are issued. The trainer's name can be placed in the text of the certificate next to the name of the center, as well as adding his name to the signature at the bottom of the certificate. The center must have a valid membership with the board to register trainers, and the trainer's registration expires with the expiration of the center's membership.
The board offers two types of trainer registration:
First.. Free registration:
The center provides the names of the trainers working with it in a list containing:
• The name of the trainer in Arabic and English.
• The type and names of the courses offered by the trainer at the center.
The board accepts the registration of up to seven trainers in this type of registration, and the center can update it every year of its membership with the board.
The registered trainer does not receive any registration documents, but the board keeps the records of trainers’ names as a reference.
The center must register the name of the trainer in the list of trainees' names that it provides when requesting certificates for trainees from the board if it wants to register his name in the certificates.
Secondly.. Official ORT Registration:
At the request of the certified center, all or some of the center's trainers can be registered as certified trainers with the center. The officially registered trainer receives an ORT card, and the trainer's registration expires with the expiration of the center's membership.
The certified center submits a request to register its trainers via email, and the request includes the following information and documents:
1. The trainer's full name in Arabic and English.
2. The training specialization and the names of the courses he offers.
3. Nationality.
4. Date and place of birth
5. Sex
6. Phone number
7. Email
8. ID photo
9. Personal photo.
10. The center states in its request its membership number and expiration date.
This registration is not considered as a membership of an accredited trainer with the board, and the registered trainer does not enjoy the benefits and powers of a certified trainer.
The registered trainer cannot offer his courses for accreditation directly to the board or request certificates for his trainees.
All dealings with the registered trainer are done through the training center registered with him.
The officially registered trainer can repeat his registration with other certified training centers with the board.
The center cannot request to cancel the registration of a trainer or trainers before the expiry of their registration period. It can replace trainers when renewing its membership.
The center must register the name of the trainer in the list of trainees' names that it provides when requesting certificates for trainees from the board.
The trainer registration fee is $35 or AED 130
The registration is valid for one year, and the trainer receives an ORT card and a registration document.
The registration can be renewed upon request from the certified center.
The renewal fee for one year is AED 130.
Upon renewal, a new card will be issued.
These fees apply to the printed or electronic card, and the center can obtain the printed card by paying the shipping fees.
If the center requests to register trainers and the validity of their membership is less than 6 months, the registration fee is AED 100 only and the registration validity continues until the expiry of the center's membership.